How to Live Consciously?
Jan 03, 2019Since we came here, everything we create is just a small matrix! Movies, plays, stories, children games, computer games and artworks of all kinds are nothing but small simulations of reality. Especially those modern mind blowing virtual reality devices! So it makes lot of sense that all of this so called reality might be nothing but a vision or device created by some being of higher consciousness. And he is probably listening to me and laughing now as I'm talking about him and the matrix he created. And another being is watching him and laughing too and so on.
Yet inside this great matrix we call reality consisted mainly of common natural laws, every one of us has their own power and potential to create their own reality. In other words, every being is already creating their own reality through thoughts, actions and emotions they are emitting every moment as different vibrations spread through the universe. For most beings it's a completely unconscious process happening by itself. Even most humans are still unaware that they are creating their own realities. And they just go on complaining of the consequences of their own creation!
Once upon a time we were just poor beings searching for food and shelter trying to find a way to survive the laws of nature and reproduce. And look where we are now? We have eventually managed to harness the natural laws creating comfortable lives for ourselves through ages of observation, trial and error, physical, emotional and intellectual evolution that gave birth to crazy technology and super-complex systems. We were once victims of an unknown destiny, and now -to a certain degree- we became masters of our own reality. Do you see where I'm heading with this?
My theory is that every created being is also a creator, to a certain level. And that includes everything that exists, not only humans. I believe that Creation is an infinite on going process that never started and knows no end; It's only how our human-mind is programmed to process reality as fragments with beginnings and ends. In fact, every ending is a new beginning, and every beginning is on its way to another end. The ground you walk on was once another creature's body. That body once processed an apple that came from a tree that was watered by a river someone from ten thousand years drank from. You and that person are forever connected in ways our minds fail to measure!
Life has seemingly endless forms, but all of them are created from the same fabric. Hence, every created being is a potential creator until he-she-it is able to realise their own power. And what happens next? They become free from the matrix? They enter a bigger matrix? Is this where we, and artificial intelligence are heading?