New Beginnings
Mar 18, 2024New beginnings remind us of the greatest truth of life;
Change is the only constant fact in this world of endless forms and colors.
The moment a new baby is born, the call of a new job opportunity, the moment your feet touches the ground of a new country, the first light of an early sunrise or the moment you meet the love of your life; We love those moments of renewal and freshness because they remind us of our infinitely growing souls that are vaster than any boundaries of our bodies and minds.
Thoughts, emotions and bodies will keep changing because life is an infinite force celebrating itself endlessly into sounds, tastes and colors.
Celebrate new beginnings and use them to expand your intentions boosting all areas of your life! But most importantly, remember that you are One with this great force of existence we call life. Remember that every moment is new. And in every new moment you have the opportunity to recreate your reality and shape it the way you like!
Stay awake. Stay healthy. Stay alive!
Every Now is New
Happy New Now
Happy new life!!!