Senses Distraction

english May 15, 2021

How do we distract ourselves day by day?

Since we perceive life mainly through our five sense perceptions, one good way we, humans, have developed over time to escape our fears, suppress our emotions and eventually destroy ourselves is through distracting our senses:

1- Seeing: Too much colors and images distract the eye; quick TV commercials, too much outdoor ads, screens and social media 24/7, clashing colors in furniture, clothes, street shops and buildings

2- Hearing: Too much music and unnecessary noise distract the ear; creating, playing and listening to music with exaggerated inharmonious beats, continuous background radio, t.v and music, unnecessary use of car horns and high volume noise in general 

3- Tasting: Too much sauces, spices, sugar, oils, and food processing spoil the natural taste and cover the natural body resistance to unhealthy junk food

4-Smelling: All kinds of air pollution caused by exhaust gases, smoking and even excessive use of perfumes can burden the body and spoil the sense of smelling

5-Touching: Excessive use of touch screens, mobile phones, computers, and dealing with electric machines spoil our natural kinaesthetic sensitivity and cause harmful electric waves to the mind and body

inspired by Art of Seeing Center course
