Truth about Ego
Mar 15, 2021What is Ego?
Ego is an invisible energy field that haunts the human body. It has no form on its own, thus its only purpose is to identify with more and more life forms every moment. And the more forms it identifies with, the more the ego is strengthened inside one’s body, and the more they believe that they are they ego and get their sense of identity from these illusory identifications. Then life becomes a chase to survival; a chase to defend emotional, mental, and physical life forms that one has unconsciously identified with. And chasing to accumulate more identifications, so that the ego can feel stronger and bigger. Ego can feel safe and satisfied only momentarily because it is in constant fear of annihilation; of realising its own illusion that it doesn’t really have a separate form on its own. It can only survive through identification with different life forms. That simply explains why we, humans, are constantly running dedicating our whole life chasing to accumulate more of ‘something’.
Layers of Egoic Identification:
Ego has several layers of identification through one’s body and mind. The more layers you have, the heavier you feel and the more you spent your time in constant fear and resistance. The less layers you have on you, the lighter you feel and closer to your inner truth beyond egoic identifications. The natural result is in inner peace and joy accepting the present moment as it is. Remember that life is constantly challenging and pushing you to lose your egoic identifications; to realise who you truly are. Because you have chosen to take this journey.
Layer 1: The pain body
As mentioned earlier, ego is an invisible energy field that haunts the human body. This is ego in its lightest manifestation. If you can catch your ego in this phase, this means you are very close to the truth; very close to realizing who you are beyond ego. It feels like emotional pain; a feeling of heaviness or irritation somewhere in the body that drives you to do something quickly or think of something quickly ! If you practice to take some few breathes ... slow down ... and just be present with the feelings in your body, the pain body will soon dissolve. Then you can live more freely. And do whatever you want with great ease ... with joy ... without unnecessary fear and running.
Layer 2: Mental voices and images
If you are not present enough, the pain body will quickly evolve into more advanced life forms: The non-stop voices speaking inside your head and constant images and movies playing and replaying themselves endlessly, creating much confusion and strengthening the pain body. Yet in this stage you are still half-awake, you are not totally unconscious. The best thing to do here is to practice observing these voices and images as they are without reacting to them. Silent observation helps you connect back to your true consciousness. By listening silently to these speaking voices and watching these images go on as they are, you realise that you are not the voices or images that pretend to be you. And they will eventually fade away back to the stage of the pain body.
Layer 3: Mental Concepts and Stories
In this stage, the ego have gained much experience and evolved enough through you. the mental voices and images have intertwined along with the pain body creating endless concepts and stories about life. The present moment is lost and the illusion of time is created. You begin to relate to yourself and everything else only through labels and stories that have happened, may have happened, will and might happen in past and future. This is the stage of ultimate suffering, insatisfaction, guilt, regret, hope, and fear; The human condition right now. In this stage people become almost machine-like, totally lost in thought, and totally conditioned by their external reality and what they are told to do. It is not easy for one to have even a glimpse of awakening while being totally consumed by thinking. Thus, the first thing you need to know here is this knowledge ! To know that you are totally consumed by mental concepts and stories, and this egoic identity has nothing to do with who you truly are. After understanding that conceptually, it’s time to begin practicing any kind of meditation that will slowly help to reduce the stories in your mind, observe the stories as pure images and voices, then connecting back to observe the pain body and experiencing a glimpse of consciousness ... of who you truly are. Organized daily meditation practice at a certain time, group meditation sessions, and connecting to a positive community are all highly recommended in this phase. Where the thinking mind is over-active and needs to be tamed before it drags you back to the unconsciousness.
What is at the core of Ego?
So ego is an energy field that identifies with mental voices and images manifesting as complex mental concepts and stories. But what is at the core of the ego? What is that invisible energy field? Where did it come from??
Here is the funny part: At the deepest core of this energy field we call ego is nothing but ‘vast emptiness’. Or we may call it pure consciousness; Stillness; The Source; God; The essence of who you are beyond all forms and concepts. This is what the ancients called the paradox of existence; All is one and one is all. All life is connected. All life forms come out of the One life source and return to it. Even the so called ego ! It is just an energy field that evolves an illusory identity, thinks itself separate till it realises its own essence and evaporates again into pure consciousness. This is life celebrating herself infinitely, and the dance shall go on, because she enjoys it.
So brothers and sisters, RELAX, chill out. There is nothing to hold on to, nothing to worry about; because there is NOTHING anyway. And if you still worry it is ok, accept it, let it be. You are all safe. Just live the moment, respect your current emotions, accept the present moment, do what needs to be done and live it as it is. Realize which layer of the three you are in right now, and practice to move one step backwards, knowing that we are in constant dance between the three. But don’t take it like a challenge. If you take a game too seriously you spoil it, and you will hurt yourself. But do it simply, joyfully, respectfully, slowly, and with great ease. Remember you have chosen to play this game. And you are here just to experience this moment, because there is no other moment in life, Now, and this is everything.